Tips to Stay Fresh During Long-Haul Flights

Tips to Stay Fresh During Long-Haul Flights

Tips to Stay Fresh During Long-Haul Flights

Long-haul flights can be very dreadful. Just the thought of getting dry skin because of the AC and wearing the same clothes for several hours can make any long-haul flight a total nightmare!

Thankfully, all hope is not lost. Here are some tips to help you stay clean, fresh, and comfy even if you’re stuck in the same seat for hours and hours.

Prepare an Empty Water Bottle

An empty bottle of water is like a true godsend when traveling long-haul because you can easily refill it anytime and every time you need to. Don’t bring it full or else, you won’t get past security.

Staying hydrated during your flight is a great tip to stay fresh, not to mention that you’ll also feel much better. Don’t worry if it means you have to go to the bathroom several times. It’s so much better than having a parched throat.

Bring Creams and Wipes

The AC in airplanes can make you feel dry and cold, causing your skin to dry out as well. Make sure you pack some cream for both your face and hands. These are great to keep you feeling refreshed while making your arms and face smell nice.

Pack Your Brushes

Brush your teeth while you’re still at the airport so you will feel and smell fresher after sleeping during your long flight. Nothing beats the refreshing feeling of having clean teeth. Flossing is also a great addition to your routine.

Make sure you also have your hairbrush with you to keep your hair beautiful and tangle-free. Apply some moisturizing cream on your hair for an extra oomph.

Bring a Pillow with You

Bringing your pillow is probably one of the best decisions you will ever make if you’re going on a long-haul flight or even a short-haul one. A pillow can work wonders in keeping you more comfortable and safe from unnecessary body aches and pains.

Snag a Seat in the Emergency Exit

Sitting in the emergency exit door does come with some responsibility but the good news is that it gives you more space and legroom to move around. But the caveat here is that the row is always full so keeping your bag at your feet might be out of the question.

Have Your Perfume and Deodorant with You

This might be a bit odd-sounding but yes, making sure you smell good all the time is one of the secrets to feeling clean and fresh. Spray some perform before departure and apply deodorant often during your flight. 

Get Enough Zzzs

Jet lag can be such a nuisance but you can get your body ready for the change of time zones. Sleep during the flight to avoid getting bored. Once you arrive at your destination, wait until nighttime before you go to bed even if you feel too tired. This will help your sleeping schedule adjust to the new time zone faster.

Your next long-haul flight doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Just follow the tips above and stay fresh and clean!

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